Lactose-Free Alternatives For Your Coffee

Milk being poured into coffee

We all love to start our day off right with a strong cup of coffee to give us the energy to greet the day. However, if you are like many people who prefer your coffee with cream and sugar, but the cream (or milky substance) doesn’t agree with you, you might be stuck on finding the best dairy alternative for you. There are several things that you must consider, including the health of a product as well as how it tastes. Keep reading to find out more about how to choose the best dairy alternatives for your coffee.

Finding Alternatives

Whether it is a nut based milk or a soy product, your dairy alternative is likely to be more expensive than dairy milk. A great idea is to make some nut milk yourself. You will need nuts, raw and unsalted, bought in bulk from your local organic store and blended with enough water to reach your desired consistency, at a high speed in your food processor or blender. You can make this creamy treat that tastes just as good when you drink it on its own, out of just about any nut you can imagine and you can keep it for up to a week in the refrigerator.

How is the Taste?

When you are searching for the best dairy free milk alternative, the taste is going to be the first thing that catches your attention. While soy milk is heavy like whole milk, rice milk tends to be a little bit sweeter and has a more watery consistency. These are only two examples of the plethora of choices between dairy free products at your local market. If you are not sure of which one to try, just know that no matter which one you choose, it will be both smooth and rich, just as you want the cream in your coffee to be.

What Form Do You Want?

While the most common image of cream being poured into coffee has it in its liquid form, a dairy alternative to the regular creamer may take a liquid or a powdered form. Some people are put off by powdered creamer for coffee, while others appreciate it for its efficiency and shelf stability. Only you can decide which is better for you, but you should be aware that you can find dairy alternatives in both forms at markets everywhere.

A lot of people begin their day in the same way, with a hot, strong cup of coffee. If you, like many, cannot flavor your coffee with dairy milk due to a lactose sensitivity, but you still want the taste of a creamy substance in your coffee, there are a few alternatives for you. Many of the ingredients we see in our markets every time we enter them are being made into new dairy free milk types. Try one of them and find your favorite to reach comfort if you have a lactose sensitivity.

Looking for your next cup of coffee in San Marcos? Visit Mochas & Javas, a San Marcos coffee shop, and ask about our dairy-free alternatives for your favorite beverage.


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